Fed up with getting stuck in traffic on his daily commute back home from work, one daring Jiangsu man decided that it was time to finally take matters into his own hands.
Aktivizam - primeri
Akcija na Savi bi mogla da se organizuje?
Plastic Whale is the first professional plastic fishing company in the world. A social enterprise with a mission: make the world’s waters plastic-free and create value from plastic waste.
David Deutchman cuddles premature babies in the hospital when their parents can’t be there. He’s known as the ‘ICU Grandpa,’ filling in for families who can’t be there themselves. These families may have other children at home or live far from Children’s Healthcare in Atlanta.
Cvece u kante!
Cveće u kante je besmislen primer jer gde će onda ljudi bacati đubre osim na pod Neko je ubacio saksije sa cvećem u kante na skveru Mome Kapora a unaokolo do Čuburca nema kanti i ne znam gde ljudi bacaju đubre onda
Aktivizam je ovde vise u fazonu hajde da ulepsamo grad i iskoristimo cvece koje je vec za kante
(utilize a mixture of post-event flowers and fresh stock to create the displays on street corners or around statues).
Slazem se, nije bas najbolji primer.
Penzioner koji cisti ulice postao lokalni heroj.